It was supposed to be the African world cup but it doesn’t look that way. What is good though is the impressive hosting by the South Africans. To them I say asante sana.

So how have you been watching the extravaganza? Kenyans have been using all the mediums available. From television, radio, internet and the mobile phone.

My friend Staecy from Gorey Ireland was amused by something the other day. While on field work in Western Lake region of Kenya, she found me together with the driver and my cameraman intensely listening to the radio as we followed the commentary of the America versus Slovenia match.

For her this was a first since radio is not that followed in Ireland. I told her that in Kenya it’s followed a lot and in some cases it can cause injuries to someone who may block its use.

With the mobile phone incorporating fm radio, use of this device to follow the events of the world cup are somewhat animated. Some fans looking elated and others looking overawed by what they are listening to. Yes Nairobi looks animated with people plugged onto their radio stations while others now watching the proceedings through their mobile phones.

DSTV and Safaricom have partnered to with a TV services for mobile phones. Once activated the service provides you with the ability to watch selected DSTV channels like supersports where you can watch live football.

So if you are in Kenya you can follow the world cup in South Africa through which ever mode, medium and at whichever comfort.

For Staecy you have the freedom to choose.

Enjoy and let the best team win.