Recently Nick my friend called me with a distress call. He had seen a nice phone on the Nokia website. The Nokia 2730. Nick was after the device that he claims is the first entry level 3G phone from Nokia for this market. I am yet to look up at this claim. So I joined him on a quest to look for this phone in Nairobi. He was sure that the phone was available since the Nokia Kenya site had said so. Walking from shop to shop gave us the same answer; ‘we have not received that device’. What was surprising was when we visited Safaricom Customer Care, we could not convince the sales lady that the phone exists despite a Nokia 2700 sitting right behind her. She claimed and these are her word “Nokia is yet to produce this device they stopped at 2600”.

In another shop this was probably the worst experience. We entre a shop with Nokia Ovi all over the shop. In fact most of the staff have t-shirts with ‘ask me about OVI’ written on them. So I was pretty sure we would get the best information and even the device here. The sales girl was very beautiful and we felt at home. Nick was after 2730, I decided to ask the girl what OVI was. She said “OVI what?’ I pointed to the slogan on her t-shirt and she obliged by pointing to the geeky looking dude sitting in a corner. I ask if that was OVI, she said no that is Mike he Knows about all about OVI. Nick was not amused by this. I told Nick that she knows where OVi is and the slogan on the t-shirt is right. Ask me about OVI and I will point to where it might be.

Well we did find the phone at MidCom, but Nick was not interested with the fold. So he is still shopping for it. Nick Nokia has a customer care shop in town. At Hilton Hotel next to Nandos near that place you like having your beer.